Aloha, Taxpayers and Worker Bees of America! You have successfully been thrown over the cliff and will now fund an additional $4 trillion taxpayer National Debt on top of the $16 Trillion inflated balloon. Unfortunately, balloons burst and they're full of hot air! This is more debt than all U.S. Presidents and U.S. Congressional and senators racked up in 236 years! It probably superseded the National Debt of any civilized or uncivilized nation in the entire world showing reckless and irresponsible spending on the part of the Obama administration and they accomplished this for your benefit in only four years which is record breaking. There was a $1 Trillion debt racked up under Bush, but under Obama, they succeeded at pushing the National Debt up to $16 Trillion by the end of 2011. They've surpassed the 2011 record and they've been more successful at being the first U.S. White House administration to reach an over inflated National Debt up to $20 Trillion plus by the end of 2012. And, taxation is expected to continue through 2013! Bravo! Brao!
But,not to worry, the exorbitant taxes will increase over time and the Obamacare 21 New Taxes haven't kicked in as of this date, either, so luckily for middle class Americans, the worker bees, they can work harder and longer and pay up - more taxes from your earnings - or else be punished should they fail to comply with the new taxes or fail to comply with the excessive EPA regulations or fail to comply with the zillionth mandates under Obamacare! The U.S. representatives who managed all this in only 4 years definitely have something to celebrate in the New Year of 2013!
But, fortunately, and just in time before the U.S. Congressional members, senators, and unvetted U.S. President went over the fiscal cliff with the American taxpayers, who elected them to sustain the economy, they succeeded at failing to sustain the current over inflated budget and managed to get back on top of the cliff when they granted themselves a substantial taxpayer funded Cost of Living increase before signing the unsustainable National Indebted Budget, which will empty out your wallets, but who needs gasoline or electricity or food? After all, the First Lady wants everyone to slim down, right? American taxpayers and seniors and veterans who built this country should be happy to know that each American is adding more tax dollars to the congressional and presidential wallets,who now earn about the same as the top corporate earners in the nation. So, job well done, unvetted U.S. President Obama who jetted off on vacation to Hawaii with his family according to the news at a cost to the taxpayers of only a mere $7,000,000, so good job for a reported total of about $20,000,000 of vacations on American taxpayer's time and dime without a peep from Congress! But, they don't have time to read health care bills or the budget as they negotiate their COL increases on taxpayer's time and dime. Time to rest. Swim. Golf. And, job well done, Congress and Senators at increasing the National Debt for our kids and grand kids at unprecedented new heights.
The Obama regime, GOP, except for the few, and Liberal Democrats have successfully increased taxes and increased the National Debt to the unprecedented inflated numbers that will soon reach $20 Trillion and probably beyond, because the beast has an insatiable appetite on the backs of the American taxpayers, who are suffering from high unemployment, unprecedented storms, homelessness, and living pay check to pay check across the nation. But, the good news is that the 50% of Americans who are unemployed and living on welfare and food stamps should know that the Obama administration believes this is a good thing for the American people. As Obama said, "We shall Rise Together and We shall Fall Together," but that wasn't quite true. The Obama administration did rise together with the majority of the GOP members, but they left the American people fall together and trailing way behind enslaved to a life of hard work, sacrifice, and suffering through excessive taxation, penalties, and fines, which they don't touch with their little finger! Remember, in my book, "Fight Back Legal Abuse," I warned Americans do not vote lawyers into congress and especially into the oval office, especially "inactive" and or "disbarred" lawyers prohibited from practicing law.
Irwin Award Winner, featured around the world, Fight Back Legal Abuse, available on Amazon and at - Watch for Rose's 2 new e-books coming soon -
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