Rose Colombo, pub. rev. 1/3/2013
President Ronald Reagan stated, "We live at a time when some persons do not value all human life. They pick and choose which individuals have value...In other words, quality control...."
Are We The People experiencing a taste of unseen enslavement administered in a civilized manner but nonetheless equates to slave labor as the worker bees earnings trickle on up to the White House? The new hi-tech equipment has dumbed down people who don't want to read or think outside of the box. They are fearful of expressing their opinions and are transformed into media zombies believing only what the media and government tell them, so the majority of citizens won't comprehend the information provided as educational food for thought. Thus, many people wouldn't know if a taxpayer funded Entitlement Program was in play under the radar, but not considered to be an Entitlement Program, for the benefit of the U.S. Congress, senators, and US Presidents. Has the U.S. Congress and oval office figured out a way to fill their wallets while emptying out yours and laughing all the way to the bank? Does the Obama administration think of the taxpayers as servants or slaves of the federal government who are there to work and pay taxes until they die? Well, let's explore some interesting reports of people enslaved by dictators.
If I were betting against a liberal, I would bet that most citizens don't realize that there's a major hidden taxpayer funded Entitlement Program for public servants who were elected to work in the oval office and congress. Of course, we've read the sad story of how the Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians who were used for slave labor. The white European aristocracy invaded Africa and enslaved the Black African tribesmen, who were sold to cotton field owners. The Roman leaders corrupted and enslaved peasants and eventually, they were drunk with power and fell over the fiscal cliff and into the dark hole. The Jews were also enslaved by the German Nazis led by Adolph Hitler during WWII. The Jews were starved and tortured in concentration camps. America's prisoners, innocent or guilty, are enslaved because they are used to keep the prison system in operation and they are used to make consumer products for a few cents per day. The leaders who enslaved people around the world have some thing in common. They infiltrated, created crisis, enslaved, pilfered the wealth, disarmed the victims, implemented immoral, unjust, and cruel and unusual punishments because the people were fearful and buried their heads in the sand.
Of course, the victims of enslavement programs appear to have been uneducated about evil doers. They were probably poor and passive and unsuspecting of the evil doers' intent to pilfer, rape, steal, lie, cheat, torture, deceive, and kill. The victims of the past enslavement programs probably welcomed strangers into their villages, towns, cities, with the hope that they would bring change and transform their lifestyles. The victims were probably naive and unfamiliar with corrupted evil men and women. Many evil tyrannical leaders are reported throughout history to have been sociopaths and psychopaths without conscience. It's disturbing to know that millions of people obeyed the criminal minded leaders. In fact, millions of people worshipped the evil leaders and performed heinous acts against mankind as ordered. Today, slavery still exists on different levels. There is the Black Market who engage in sex trafficking and enslave women and children. There are prostitution rings who enslave lost children. There are King Pins who enslave children and adults into selling and trafficking drugs. There are people enslaved by tyrannical governments who are starved to death and worked to death. And, there are sociopaths and psychopaths in government who believe that if thousands of women and children die at war then so be it. These statements can be researched and easily found on-line or in books. But, there is a major unethical enslavement Entitlement Program in the civilized nation known as the USA that is unrecognized, ignored and unseen by the masses. In fact, it's accepted by the masses but for the benefit of the leaders, not the people.
Are you truly free?
Unfortunately, millions of Americans are under the illusion that they can earn as much money as they want and that they are free to do as they please on U.S. soil. They believe that they own their own property, but Americans were rudely awakened from the sleep when they learned that people were losing their homes through eminent domain. They were shocked when they were rudely awakened to the fact that Congress and ACORN encouraged bankers to approve fraudulent loans and millions of Americans ended up in foreclosures. Millions of unseen Americans were rudely awakened when unethical judges denied community property rights or took their children away from non-offending parents during divorce proceedings. If the government and activist groups can eliminate Christianity and God from the nation as well as unborn babies then why can't they depopulate citizens? After all, the programs are in place for those that the government views as discardable and disposable through patient dumping, euthanasia, indefinite detention, kill lists, mandated abortions, chemical poisons, untested vaccines, and wars? In fact, Chapter 10 of my book, "Fight Back Legal Abuse" is titled, "Justice for Some and Justice for Sum!" Of course, this wouldn't be the first time corrupted evil men depopulated tribes of people through genocides because most people live in an illusion about their government and leaders.
There was an arrogant and narcissist aristocrat who stated,"Let them eat cake." Well, the American people may or may not believe that they are already enslaved by excessive taxation paid to the federal and state government who will have racked up a $16 Trillion National debt and added an additional $4 Trillion about January 1, 2013. They are about to take about 40% of the income from the worker bees enslaved to the federal government through excessive taxation and excessive regulations, fines and penalties for non-compliance and cruel and unusual punishments through unconstitutional laws for citizens who don't comply. It's my opinion, that the workers bees will experience more taxation in the year 2013 as the cost of living increases and the necessities of life such as gas, food, water, utilities and rent.
Does the beast have an insatiable appetite for taxes?
Also, President Ronald Reagan and President John F. Kennedy warned Americans of the "beast" and warned against mandated abortions and killing human living babies, infanticide, and partial birth abortions, which is what Hitler enacted against the Jews, Christians and Catholics as well as radiating them for sterilization. They were enslaved and marked with a number. The current regime creates so many crisis that they truly never let a good crisis go to waste as Rahm stated. So, are Americans free or are the enslaved by congress and the senate and the oval office?
Thus, should we not ask how is it that the American people don't recognize that there is a major unrecognized, but exorbitant taxpayer funded Entitlement Program that burdens the past and current U.S. taxpayers. This entitlement program shall continue to burden taxpaying middle class workers in America. Many Americans think that welfare, food stamps and unemployment, or medicare, are the major taxpayer funded entitlement programs and the only Entitlement Programs which create a huge tax burden on the American workers and taxpayers. I sometimes wonder if Americans weren't armed if the government would tax them at 80% of their earnings.
Therefore, what if I told you that there is a way to stop the train wreck. What if I revealed to you that there is an exorbitant and burdensome Entitlement Program, the American people haven't even considered to be the most burdensome taxpayer funded Entitlement Program enacted by Congress. This burdensome Entitlement Program includes past, current, and future generations of congressional members and Presidents.
Are Americans working to make public servants wealthy?
Every American worker is paying into the taxpayer funded federal Entitlement Program which entitles public servants to be paid excessive wages and cost of living increases with benefits and some public servants work 25 years and end up receiving the same amount of pay after retirement. In fact, congress has substantially increased their wages through cost of living increases, which they vote upon without voter approval, and are now earning about as much as top earners who spent 25 years building a corporation. The difference is that congressional members, senators, and U.S. Presidents are earning excessive wages, COL increases, and benefits on the backs of the working taxpayers even during a deep recession. The excessive wages paid to public servants diminishes the wages earned by average working Americans.
How is it that Americans allowed themselves to be enslaved by congress, who passed laws requiring taxpayers to pay excessive taxes and taxpayer fund excessive wages while throwing the nation into the unprecedented $16 Trillions debt plus an additional $4 Trillion debt on the backs of a nation with high unemployment and high welfare and food stamp recipients? Congress gave themselves COL increases as did Obama and then jetted off on a $7,000,000 Hawaiin vacation at taxpayer's expense. Perhaps, the only fair way to control the excessive wages for greedy public servants would be to create a sliding scale and determine their taxpayer funded waged based on their personal wealth and other income. After all, most senators and congressional members and U.S. Presidents have professional careers and the majority of public servants are lawyers. Many members of congress have been reported in the news to be multi-millionaires such as the Kerry's, Clinton's, Feinstine, Reid, and Pelosi, which is fine, but it's not fine to take excessive taxpayer funded wages when working Americans are watching their incomes diminish.
Of course, congress makes the laws and grabbed the opportunity to circumvent the moral and ethical right of the people to vote on the amount of their taxpayer funded wages and cost of living increases for their public service jobs. It is the taxpayers and registered voters who should be determining the cost of living increases for presidents and congress who volunteer to be public servants. Under which authority has congress applied that provides each member the authority to determine their wages and approve their decision without voter approval?
Again, the truth is that exorbitant lifetime taxpayer funded wages for U.S. Presidents, congress, and senators, who volunteer to work as public servants for 2-30 years, equates to a major and exorbitant Entitlement Program. As I stated, how is taxpayer funded wages approved by lawmakers for their own benefit any different than the Entitlement Progam known as welfare and food stamps, except that the recipients on welfare and food stamps receive a minimal amount of taxpayer funded wages for a temporary period of time, but the Entitlement Program that funds U.S. Presidents, congress, and senators, pays out excessive wages, cost of living increases, as well as benefits, which can last for a lifetime and pass onto their spouses in some cases? This comparison raises the question of how congress calculates their taxpayer funded wages as reasonable, and all taxpayer funded federal workers, while average Americans can't find jobs and the average income has been reduced substantially across the nation.
Therefore, I raise the question to the people if congress has created an unrecognizable secret Enslavement Program by using the American workers for slave labor to provide congress, U.S. Presidents, and senators, excessive wages with cost of living increases and benefits on the backs of the working taxpayers who are required to pay up or be punished. The average income for the average federal worker funded by the taxpayers was reported at $70,000 per year.
Today, it appears that congress, senators and the US President behave as royalty, kings and queens with a court filled with cronies, donors, bundlers, banksters, anti-American citizens, and celebrities. They jet about at a cost of $186,000 to fire up Air Force One and vacation around the world on taxpayer funded Air Force One and America's time and dime without conscience. One must ponder if the American taxpayers should be fearful and remain silent or should they ask why the voters who pay their wages aren't required to approve their secret Entitlement Programs which consists of excessive taxpayer funded wages, cost of living increases, and benefits. Each time they vote themselves a taxpayer funded cost of living increase, they are diminishing the earnings of every working American and business owner.
The machine is in operation today and it appears to be moving rapidly in the same manner as leaders of Third World Nations, who demand excessive taxation, penalties, fines, and punishment for non-compliance to support their leaders in the lifestyle that royalty believes they are entitled. It's as if they have been handed the jar of jelly beans and they can't control themselves and there are never enough jelly beans to satisfy them, so they demand more and more. How is it that U.S. congressional members and U.S. Presidents only need to be elected to public service jobs and immediately access the wages of top earners in the nation even if they don't earn it with total disregard for the burden placed on the American workers?
Isn't mandating laws that require excessive taxation in order to fund a taxpayer funded program that consist of excessive wages for federal workers equate to a taxpayer funded Entitlement Program? I've listed the top federal incomes funded by U.S. taxpaying workers as follows:
President of the United States - Approximately $400,000 + benefits
Congressional members minus 2012 COL increase $174,400 + benefits
Speaker of the House $223,500 + benefits
Senate Minority Leader $193,400 + benefits
Senate Majority Leader $193,400 + benefits
Therefore, there is only one solution. Americans must propose laws when public servants increase their taxpayer funded wages which equate to a Entitlement Program that demands American workers pay excessive taxpayer dollars to provide excessive wages for their public service jobs and demand voter approval. The people should challenge congress and demand that congresisonal members freeze all federal wages including their own during a deep recession. The people should demand that congress deny all COL increases and additional benefits or taxpayer funded vacations without voter approval. The people must take back their country and propose laws which provide decent wages, not excessive tax funded wages for public service jobs. After all, congressional members and U.S. Presidents receive big bucks for writing books and speaking engagements and most have contributed to retirement funds, life insurance policies, and investments. And,wealthy U.S. Presidents shouldn't need taxpayer funded support once they leave public office. The American people should take back their government and exercise their right to vote on taxpayer funded wages and cost of living increases for congressional members, senators, and U.S. Presidents. Such pro-active action by the citizens would weed out the greedy takers. So, do Americans like eating cake or do they like making the cake and selling the cake for a profit?
Rose Colombo, Irwin Award winning author, Fight Back Legal Abuse, seen in worldwide print magazines, newspapers, and been interviewed on national radio and seen on TV. She's a legal activist and coach and she's helped thousands of victims of injustices around the nation. She's produced cable TV and radio shows exposing injustices and can be contacted at - Coming Soon -A must have book for your purse, ladies -"Oops! What Was The Name of My Lipstick?" (C) 2013 - Inquire at
Yes! This and foreign aid....the time has come to clean up this den of Robber Barons!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your post that outlines a problem apparent with our representation. Many of whom utilize major media funded campaign contributors to popularize the blame game for our deficit! War costs; who pays? Can we focus on issues to recover....should not all Americans tighten their belts?
ReplyDeleteComparing the US to "homeowners": The mansion is cracked, foundation is shaky and shifting, the plumbing is old and leaking, the paint is peeling, and the "homeowners" are NOT taking steps to address the problems. Instead, the contractors/representatives "hired" are sugar coating and blaming the neighborhood (seniors/elderly, poor, business owners/workers, etc) for the problems, not tackling the basics....all while living on the "homeowners" expense account. What a system!!!
And shame on us for not responding responsibly to our "home" disasters!